Happy physicians deliver better care and better outcomes. That’s why you can’t afford not to advocate for yourself. Simply Worth It helps female physicians like you get the comp package you want, deliver great care, & stay in practice longer. Hosted by Linda Street, board-certified Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist & life coach specializing in physician negotiations.
My Recent Podcasts

Negotiation for Physicians: How to Ask For What You Want Without Fear or Guilt with Dr. Katrina Ubell
"You can’t come to the negotiation table thinking the valuable thing in question isn’t very valuable. - " - Dr. Katrina Ubell

Physicians Who Lead Part 4: How Do We Have Better Conversations? with Jen Thornton
"You have to learn that push-pull dance of a conversation, because it’s two people exchanging words, not you throwing up your thoughts on someone." - Jen Thornton

Physicians Who Lead Part 3: Leading People Doing Jobs You're Not Familiar With with Jen Thornton
"A CEO goes through one vertical of a company and ends up in charge of all of it, so they have to understand how to lead people doing jobs they don’t know how to do." - Jen Thornton

Physicians Who Lead Part 2: How to Win the Mindset Game with Jen Thornton
"When we live in the reactive stage, we’re looking at complying, protecting, and controlling." - Jen Thornton

Physicians Who Lead Part 1: The First Step to Effective Leadership with Jen ThorntonÂ
"Dynamic composure is the foundation of great leadership." - Jen Thornton

Normalization and Negotiation: A Combination You Must Use to Your Advantage
"It’s important that we normalize that our jobs can look very different and we can still accomplish them successfully." - Linda Street

When Work Lives Rent-Free in Your Head, Evict It
"Next time you’re off work and you’re thinking about work ask: is this a problem that needs a solution or is it just my brain throwing a temper tantrum?" - Linda Street

Is Your Career Consistent with the Legacy You Want to Leave Behind?
"Zoom out a little bit to see if the way you’re going in this career is consistent with what you’d want to leave behind." - Linda Street

Replay: Help! The Job Isn’t What You Signed Up For
"If you find yourself in a new job and some things aren’t as they were advertised, approach it from a place of curiosity, ask some questions and really try to connect to the people who can make change." - Linda Street

Episodic Influence vs. Lasting Influence: How to Master the Negotiation Skill That Changes EVERYTHING
"You don’t want to be episodic in your influence, you want to be consistent and deliberate." - Linda Street

Eliminate the Stress of a Negotiation Before You Even Show Up
"Having a plan is going to be better than showing up and winging it."Â Â - Linda StreetÂ

Autonomy is…Freedom in the Workplace: How Do We Achieve It?
"Independence and freedom in our jobs go a long way to preventing moral injury and allowing us to have sustainable roles."Â Â - Linda StreetÂ

The MGMA Pay Data Doesn't Apply to My Role, What Do I Do?
"When your role is strictly clinical, the majority of the time the pay data is a really good jumping-off point. If you have leadership components, it can be a little more complicated." - Linda Street

MGMA 2023 Data Part 2: Where Do Physicians Have the Most Leverage?
"Compensating you appropriately and giving you what you need so you can continue to be in your job is on the radar of the people you work for." - Linda Street

MGMA 2023 Data: What's New in the World of Physician Pay?
"We’re all working harder while doing less with our money. If you haven’t negotiated your pay in the last year or two, it’s really worth something to consider getting on." - Linda Street

Replay: The Ultimate Guide to Clinical Medicine Models
"There are different job choices out there, and depending on what season you’re in, you can choose what works for you." - Linda Street

The Negotiation Ended in Disappointment, What Now?
"You are allowed to have negative emotions, you won’t die from your feelings so allow it to suck." - Linda Street

All the Feels: How to Deal with Conflicting Emotions Around a Negotiation
"By getting into the headspace of choosing thought-related results, you can own that regardless of how the other party responds, and that’s powerful."  - Linda StreetÂ

Hassle-Free Re-entry: How to Return to the Workforce After Extended Time Away
"I think some of the barriers we’ve been socialized to believe are problems are not as much true barriers as something we just have to address." - Linda Street

How to Turn a Phantom BATNA Into a Tangible & Valuable Negotiation Tool
"When you have these phantom BATNAs, if you can increase their likelihood of success and foter and develop them, you’re in a better position than if you had no BATNA." - Linda Street

Shift Your Brain for the Day: Negotiation Hacks for a Quick Win
"Instead of spending your time fixating on the emotions you want to avoid, identify the emotions you want to display." - Linda Street

Memories Pay Dividends Too: How to Advocate for Memorable Life Experiences
"There are pieces of our jobs where we can set ourselves up for success and advocate for what allows us to live in alignment with the values that are important experientially." - Linda Street

The Art of Merciless Purging: Update on My Year of Experimenting with Less
"Make your job less of the things you don’t need there, less of the things that are taking up your energy." - Linda Street

Great Leadership Begins with Language: How to Choose it Wisely with Jen Thornton
"As a leader, ask as many questions as you give directions." - Jen Thornton

Use This Brain Hack Next Time You Want to Say "I Have To"
"The language we choose leads to different neurochemical environments and disempowering language like “I can’t”, “I have to” and “I should” leads to a high cortisol environment." - Linda Street

Deadlines Aren't as Rigid as You Think...Here's How to Challenge Them
"We’ve grown up in an environment where deadlines are very rigid and inflexible but that’s not always the case." - Linda Street

[REPLAY]: Activating the Law of Reciprocity in Your Negotiation
"With the rule of reciprocity, we have a mental obligation to concede because the other side made a concession to us, and that plays a role in a negotiation." - Linda Street

The Real Estate Saga Continues: What 2 Failed Deals Taught Me About Negotiation
"It’s okay to walk away if the value of a deal isn’t making sense for you at the time." - Linda Street

Language Matters: The Power of Choosing Your Words Wisely
"The language we’re using in our head leads to the tone of how we feel about the conversation." - Linda Street

When Work is Actively Hurting You: How to Tell if Your Job is Psychologically Unsafe
"As a physician, you have a human, basic right to feel safe in your job. You deserve to feel safe psychologically in the environment you work in." - Linda Street

​​3 Ways to Optimize Your Happiness at Work
"Making sure that the environment you’re in lines up with your values is going to be huge for your happiness." - Linda Street

You Agreed, But It's Not Reflected In Your Contract: What Now?
"You have to go in with the assumption that if it’s not written down, it’s not real. If it’s not in writing, you can’t count on it." - Linda Street

Assembling Your Negotiation Dream Team: 3 People You Need in Your Corner
"Physician roles are contract-based, you are entering a legally binding business arrangement. You need someone equipped to analyze and give legal advice based on the contract presented to you." - Linda Street

Your First Contract Negotiation: How to Advocate For Yourself Effectively with Dr. Tonya Caylor
"If you’re looking to sustain the job you’re in, you have to enjoy it and the practice of medicine."
- Dr. Tonya Caylor

The Forces of Fairness in a Negotiation & How to Make Them Work for You
"In the context of negotiations, fairness gets thrown around all the time, but it can be a bit of a nebulous construct."
- Linda Street

Stop Using Grit Against Yourself: How to Quit When the Job Becomes a Dealbreaker
"It’s not a defeat to quit, I’d argue that if an environment is no longer healthy for you, and you’re unable to modify it, it’s good to seek a new opportunity."
- Linda Street

The End of Non-Compete Clauses? Removing This Barrier Would be a Massive Win
"Removing non-competes encourages the employers of physicians to really hear them and make jobs more sustainable and humane."
- Linda Street

Edit Out the Extra: Why 'Less' Is My Word of the Year
"There are all these things that we could buy back our time with, but we don’t."
- Linda Street

Job Values: How to Identify the Intangibles that Preserve Your Happiness at Work
"People who are in jobs where their workplace values are in alignment are more loyal to the company, more productive and it’s just a better fit for everyone involved overall." - Linda Street

The Surprising Benefit of Not Setting Goals: Why I'm Trying Un-Goals Instead
"When you have less tangible, more abstract goals, you keep more possibilities open." - Linda Street

Survival Mode: When Does It Help Us & When Does It Work Against Us?
"When you get into survival mode and you chronically stay there, you’re often in this really big cycle of burnout and/or depression and you have to manage that." - Linda Street

Don't Ignore Your Intuition: Why It Might Be Your Greatest Ally in a Negotiation
"Intuition is a trust mechanism. It’s trusting yourself and information you can’t necessarily put your finger on but is there on a subconscious level to protect you." - Linda Street

Holidays are Perfect for Transformational Conversations: Here's How to Make Them Happen with Ali Novitsky
"When you’re brainstorming, you’re not attached to one specific path, you’re just looking for potential possibilities." - Linda Street

The Double-Edged Sword of Gratitude & How to Get on its Right Side
"You can be grateful and ask for more, gratitude doesn’t mean asking for less." - Linda Street

They Can’t Read Your Mind: How to Communicate What You Need From Your Job
"No one’s able to detect what you need unless you express it." - Linda Street

Victory Hangovers: What to Do When a Huge Win Feels Underwhelming
"Victory hangovers are just adjusting to a new version of yourself who is able to achieve these things." - Linda Street

Does Your Body Language Match Your Ask? A Guide to Non-Verbal Influence
"Pay attention to your body language and make sure it matches what you’re saying." - Linda Street

How to Wear Your Boundaries Like Armor & Protect What Matters Most...Your Health with Dr. Sasha Shillcutt
"Boundaries are the armor of a woman who gets things done, it keeps you healthy, safe, and protected." - Dr. Sasha Shillcutt

How to Break Out of Binary Thinking & See the Infinite Possibilities
"If it feels like you’re torn between two really bad options, explore if there are other possibilities on the table. The answer is always yes." - Linda Street

Before You Celebrate the Yes, Make Sure It's Backed By Execution
"A yes without execution is worse than a no." - Linda Street

You Can't Control Other People: 2 Ways to Cope with This & Still Show Up as a Boss
While you can’t control people, they also can’t control you, so you have free will and autonomy to respond how you want to. - Linda Street

Multi-Party Negotiations: How to Create a Win-Win Scenario for Everyone
Your goal as someone participating in one of these multi-party negotiations is to build alliances that increase the leverage. - Linda Street

How to Overcome Overeating, Trust Your Body & Keep the Weight Off Forever with Dr. Katrina Ubell
It’s a woman’s right to decide how she wants to feel inside her body. - Dr. Katrina Ubell

Quiet Quitting & Quiet Firing are Both Dangerous & Damaging... How Do We Fix Them?
Quiet firing is more common than quiet quitting in medicine. The pushing-out effect happens a lot more than we’d like to think it does. - Linda Street

Feeling Crappy After Your Negotiation? How to Change Your Mindset & Redefine Winning For You
Have such a strong mindset going into your negotiation that no matter how much you fumble, it doesn’t matter because you have your own back. - Linda Street

The Lord of the Rings: What Can Frodo's Epic Quest Teach Us About Negotiation?
You don’t choose hardships or burdens but you do get to choose how you show up. Frodo didn’t choose to go on this giant quest, but he got to choose how he interacted with it. - Linda Street

Quit or Stay? The Powerful Little Tool That Simplifies the Decision
Critically appraising your quit matrix leaves you with the really honest core reasons to stay or leave. - Linda Street

Guilt and Shame: The Ugly Cousins Keeping You From Advocating for Yourself
The key is allowing without indulging, acknowledging the feeling, naming it and getting comfortable with where the guilt and shame are coming from for you. - Linda Street

Overworking is a Habit We Can Change: Getting Comfortable with Stillness with Dr. Kristi Angevine
If we don’t hold space for why you overwork, you’ll get temporary relief but underneath, whatever was the deeper reason will go neglected, and then you’ll have a backlash and be right back to where you started. - Dr. Kristi Angevine

Shared Success & Truth Telling: Two Necessary Ingredients for a Fruitful Negotiation
You really really owe yourself testing your own assumptions and making sure that the stories you’re telling yourself are factual. - Linda Street

How to Facilitate Trust & Co-Creation in Any Negotiation
Being transparent up front really helps to open up the dialogue and make sure you’re moving forward in a way that works for both parties. - Linda Street

How to Go From Learned Helplessness to Learned Optimism
Learned helpless behavior shows up in many ways in medicine and it doesn’t really serve us because it’s giving away our power. - Linda Street

Am I Asking For Too Much? The Trap of Feeling Unreasonable & How to Escape It
When you wonder “Am I asking for too much?”, remember it’s not a fixed number or a line in the sand the vast majority of the time. You’re much more likely to underask than overask. - Linda Street

Want to Negotiate More Effectively? Switch Out ‘Ask’ for ‘Offer’
The words we choose are of utmost importance when we’re communicating with the people we’re negotiating with and even communicating with ourselves. - Linda Street

How to Harness Fierce Compassion in the Face of What We Can’t Control
Especially on a macro-scale, there are many things that we’d love to change that we can’t control. When those things are there, it’s not our job to use thought-work to beat ourselves into accepting it. - Linda Street

Key Areas of Your Contract You Can’t Afford to Ignore [REPLAY]
The more well-defined your contract is on the front end, the better off you are. - Linda Street

If You Say Yes to This Offer, What Are You Saying No To?
If you’re saying yes to something below your minimum needed, you’re saying no to yourself. - Linda Street

Protecting Ourselves From the Hostile Business Side of Medicine with Dr. Steven Cyr
On the business side of medicine, physicians are in a minor position with no vote, no say and no control. - Dr. Steven Cyr

The Most Actionable & Self-Compassionate Way to Look at Hope
If you’re looking at a situation that’s incredibly difficult to process, you can still identify what your agency is, what your goals are, and how you’ll get there. You may not know all the answers, but you are able to make the next best step. - Linda Street

When It Feels Like You Have Zero Autonomy, Try This
Autonomy isn’t something someone can give you unilaterally, it’s something you have to take. - Linda Street

You Know How to Negotiate, But Where Do You Find the Right Job? with Dr. Lara Hochman
At the end of the day, hospitals and practices aren’t systems - they are people. - Dr. Lara Hochman

2 Powerful Negotiation Lessons From a Slightly Disastrous Real Estate Deal
Negotiation is a translatable skill you can use in different circumstances and arenas if you so choose. The skill set that helps me help you negotiate your contracts was actually really useful in real estate. - Linda Street

The Crown Jewel of Every Negotiation (Hint: It’s Not Money)
I want to challenge you to think not only about time and money, but to also think beyond that to your energy levels, and putting focus and deliberate care into where this is or isn’t working for you. - Linda Street

The Biggest Barriers to a Smooth Exit & The Options You Have to Fight Them
Don’t give up because you have a non-compete. It doesn’t mean you’re completely bound by that with no other options. - Linda Street

When Your Contract Has No Easy Out: The First Step You Have to Take
One bad contract doesn’t mean you’re doomed for the rest of your career. - Linda Street

A Financial Independence Roadmap: Dr. Elisa Chiang Shares Wealth Building Strategies Even the Busiest Physician Can Implement
If you’re at the point where you’re financially independent, you don’t need to work so you can walk away if the job isn’t a good fit, and you’re also in a much stronger position at the negotiating table. - Dr. Elisa Chiang

Gotta Know When to Fold ‘em: The Power of Setting Your Bottom Line Before the Negotiation
While it’s always totally reasonable to keep asking until you get a no, you don’t want to do that from a place of impulse. You want to do it from a place of deliberate decision. - Linda Street

Dr. Elaine Stageberg on Turning Her Patient Communication Skills Into a Valuable Negotiation Skill Set
"Negotiation is a ruthless search for value and finding opportunities to solve problems. This mindset has allowed me to wash away any negative connotations of it." - Dr. Elaine Stageberg

Getting Back on Track When the Job Doesn’t Match Your Expectations
"If you find yourself in a new job and some things aren’t as they were advertised, approach it from a place of curiosity, ask some questions and really try to connect to the people who can make change." - Linda Street

The Easiest Way to Access Confidence (Even When You're Not 100% Sure of Yourself)
"Confidence is not the lack of fear, it’s trusting that we have our own backs." - Linda Street

Think Like an Entrepreneur, Show Up Like a Boss: Dr. Una on the Valuable Skill Every Physician Needs to Invest in Right Now
"It’s your responsibility to make your voice heard, you can’t delegate that." - Dr. Una

The Pitfalls of Pay Parity: Why Making Things Fair is Not as Simple as Paying Everyone the Same Thing
"You are the talent, you are the foundation that is necessary for this healthcare machine to work, so make sure you’re being compensated for your effort and the value you’re providing." - Linda Street

Underearning is NOT Inevitable: How to Demand Your Worth & Advocate For Yourself Like the Badass You Are! w/Dr. Latifat Akintade
"Maximize the lowest hanging fruit. Stop getting underpaid for what you’re already doing." - Dr. Latifat Akintade

How to Unlearn & Break the Habit of Not Advocating for Yourself... According to A Habits Expert w/Dr. Kristi Angevine
"If we don’t advocate for ourselves repetitively it just becomes a thoughtless way in which we respond." - Dr. Kristi Angevine

Taking Care of Patients From Your Inbox Will Burn You Out: How to Strategize Against Depleting Tasks & Negotiate For the Resources That Will Make Our Schedules More Livableal
"It’s not really efficient to be interrupted by a patient phone call or to answer inbox messages. Come up with a strategy to take the pieces of your job that suck you dry, like your inbox, off your plate." - Linda Street

Evaluating Our Power Dynamics: “Power With” vs “Power Over” Environments & Why the Latter is So Detrimental
"Physicians who are happy and content in their practice have a sense of ownership and “power with”. When your ideas are considered, and your views are respected, that makes it a whole lot easier to do your job." - Linda Street

Healing the Healer: Traumatic Experiences in the Life of a Physician, How to Recognize Them & What We Can Do to Mend Our Souls w/Dr. Stacia Dearmin, MD
"If we allow these hard things to build up untended, they in many instances, one way or another, cut our careers short or make it impossible for us to practice joyfully." - Dr. Stacia Dearmin

Don’t Wing It, Prepare for It: The Power of Having a Deliberate Negotiation Plan Ahead of Time
"When you go in winging it, you’re telling yourself that your negotiation isn’t something worth preparing for." - Linda Street

Paving the Way for Residents & New Grads at the Negotiating Table: How Dr. Tawana Coates Advocated for Herself as a Third-Year Resident
"In medicine, we’re always trying to prove our worth to other people and prove why they need to choose us. I wanted to choose an employer based on my career goals and the lifestyle I wanted to live." - Dr. Tawana Coates

How to Create Your Own Mentorship Opportunities When They Aren’t Readily Available in Your Immediate Network
"The key to finding mentorship is putting yourself out there, networking with like minded people and finding the right match." - Linda Street

You Can’t Change Your Results Without Changing Your Mindset: How to Get Rid of That Persistent New Year’s Resolution for Good
"My goal isn’t just to stop overworking. It’s to critically evaluate the thoughts that are leading to overworking so that I can create new neural pathways and change them." - Linda Street

Anatomy of a Transformational Conversation: Words That Create Curiosity and Words That Shut Down All Opportunities for Connection w/Ali Novitsky
"As a society, we spend so much time exchanging information or power, we don’t spend time feeding off energy and the connection with others." - Linda Street

Anatomy of a Transformational Conversation: The 3 Levels of Conversation & How to Make Every Interaction Better w/Ali Novitsky
"What’s missing from a lot of our self-talk, and what’s truly next level for our relationships with ourselves, is transformational conversations." - Linda Street

These Powerful Communication Skills Will Move Your Next Negotiation (Or Holiday Family Interaction) In the Right Direction
"By listening to connect instead of listening with an agenda, you’re able to show up in a way that favors that oxytocin-rich, high-trust environment which will get you further in any conversation." - Linda Street

The Ultimate Guide to Clinical Medicine Models From Academia to Private Practice & How to Find the Right Path For You
"There are different job choices out there, and depending on what season you’re in, you can choose what works for you." - Linda Street

Medicine & Career Transitions: The Natural Progression We Have to Embrace & Stop Feeling Bad About
"If you think about your career transitions as a normal step in growth, it’s a lot easier to advocate for yourself effectively." - Linda Street

The Operating Leverage Concept: Why it's VERY Relevant to Physicians & How to Get it to Work in Your Favor
"When it comes to our own operating leverage at work, we’re striving for more than break-even, we’re striving for a profitable job that gives us back more than what it takes from us." - Linda Street

Emotional Childhood vs. Emotional Adulthood: A Valuable Lesson on Taking Control of Your Happiness w/Krista Olsen
"As you decrease the dependence of your emotions to someone else, you’re able to think, feel and act in a way that resonates with you." - Krista Olsen

What Happens When Your Employer Suddenly Changes the Rules Mid-Contract?
"When you know why your employer is considering a change, you can plan your attack as to why that change doesn’t serve them." - Linda Street

An Alternative Schedule Can Make You a Better Physician...Here’s Why & How to Negotiate for It
"You’re a human before you’re a doctor. You have your family and mental health, and if you can’t attend to those needs, you can’t show up as the doctor you were meant to be." - Linda Street

Grin & Bear It or Plan Your Exit?
3 Things You Can Do When Your Job Stops Aligning with Your Integrity
"Your integrity to yourself is the most important thing you have, and if your job is asking you to be out of alignment from that, it’s not going to lead to a healthy, happy work environment." - Linda Street

The Power of Career Escape Hatches & Alternative Income Sources (Even If You Love Your Job)
"It’s so much easier to assert your value when you know you have fall back plans." - Linda Street

“You are the CEO of You Inc”: How to Become a Negotiating Ninja by Embracing Entrepreneurship with Dr. UnaGoals & Tilt Leverage in Your Favor
"Nobody can take advantage of you. You work for “You Incorporated”. Every skill that you obtain is yours to keep, it’s portable wealth." - Dr. Una

Networking + Negotiation: The Winning Combination That Will Further Your Goals & Tilt Leverage in Your Favor
"Authentic friendships and connections can help you create a team of people that surround you and create more opportunities." - Linda Street

Negotiating Strategies for Grads: Why You Don’t Have to Settle Because You’re New w/Dr. Janeeka Benoit
"When you identify the values you bring, think about them often and believe in them you can operate from a mindset of abundance." - Dr. Janeeka Benoit

Activating the Law of Reciprocity in Your Negotiation & Using an Innate Social Construct to Your Advantage
"With the rule of reciprocity, we have a mental obligation to concede because the other side made a concession to us, and that plays a role in a negotiation." - Linda Street

From Negotiation-Hesitant to Negotiating Badass: How a Physician Learned to Advocate for Herself w/Dr. Weili Gray
"Negotiating isn’t being manipulative, it’s just a human process of showing up, connecting with and understanding people." -Dr. Weili Gray

Advocate for Your Needs Everywhere: The Surprising Connection Between Negotiation & Your Sex Life w/Dr. Sonia Wright
"You get to define sexual intimacy for you, and you get to define your salary, and what your job looks like for you." - Dr. Sonia Wright

Episodic Influence vs. Lasting Influence: How to Master the Negotiation Skill That Changes EVERYTHING
"You don’t want to be episodic in your influence, you want to be consistent and deliberate." - Linda Street

The Art of the Charm: How to Maximize Influence & Win People Over in the Negotiation Process
"There’s usually a band of wiggle room on what offer you can be given and influence can help you end up on the higher end of that offer." - Linda Street

When Your Work & Worth are Misaligned: How to Reevaluate & Reconfigure
"Check in with yourself to make sure your job is in alignment with you. Renegotiate when something needs to be changed and leave when things are so misaligned they can’t be changed." - Linda Street

Is this the Truth or a Story? How to Confront, Challenge & Combat the Negative Stories that Get in the Way of Your Negotiation
"Everything that isn’t 100% fact is a story you’re telling yourself." - Linda Street

How to Ask for a Raise & Set the Stage for an Easy YES
"Typically there’s plenty of meat in the bone between what you’re earning for the corporation, company or practice and what you’re being paid, and there are ways to capture some of that each year." - Linda Street

When Physicians Resign: How to Quit Gracefully, Optimize Your Exit & Serve Out Your Notice Period in Peace
"You’re in charge of how you quit. Show up, clean up the loose ends, clinch down your network and then sail into the sunset." - Linda Street

How to Identify the Internalized Bias That Shows Up in Your Negotiations
"The oppressive systemic forces that are present in our lives are also deeply embedded in medicine and in medical education." - Linda Street

Getting Deliberate About Rest: How to Intentionally Carve Out Time for Yourself & Prioritize Your Recovery
"Take the time that you’ve negotiated and worked so hard for, give yourself some time to rest to prevent injuring yourself emotionally and mentally." - Linda Street

The Destructive Mindset That Handicaps You in Negotiation & How to Optimize Your Approach by Making a Simple Shift
"If you’re predicating your success on a response that you have zero control over, you’re setting yourself up for failure." - Linda Street

Conflict: The One Fear That Holds You Back in Negotiation & How to Overcome It w/Bill Sanders
"Conflict carries the seeds to a better agreement. When you avoid it, you miss opportunities." - Bill Sanders

What Does the Latest MGMA DataDive Tell Us About the State of Physician Compensation? (Hint: It’s Actually Optimistic)
"I really want to challenge you to stretch yourself and ask for what you think you’re worth even though the pandemic happened." - Linda Street

The Danger of All-or-Nothing Thinking in Negotiation: How to Shift Your Mindset & Implement a Strategy That Guarantees a Win for Everyone
"There’s a whole breadth of opportunities, options and win-wins that are available when you start looking at all the shades of grey." - Linda Street

The Great Resignation: Are the Toxic Traits of Your Current Job Following You to the Next One?
"Address if you have workaholic tendencies. If you do, switching jobs won’t completely fix your problems, you have to fix your mindset as well." - Linda Street

The Powerful Strategy That Will Turn Any Negotiation Obstacle Into an Opportunity
"Don’t accept an obstacle as a permanent barrier. Think of it as a yield, not a stop sign." - Linda Street

Earning What You're Worth Isn't Greedy: How to Overcome a Harmful Limiting Belief
"If you think that you’re greedy, you’re going to be paralyzed from asking for more and you can actually end up creating your own glass ceiling." - Linda Street

Optimize Your Negotiating Hand by Pivoting from Confusion to Clarity
"The more well-compensated you are, oftentimes the more productive you are because you’re showing up happy, not burned and you don’t have mental fog slowing you down." - Linda Street

Undervaluing: The Internal Obstacle to Your True Earning Potential
"Your thinking and mindset around the value you offer can change the entire context within which you show up, and subsequently how others are likely to view you." - Linda Street

Start with No: The Dangers of Saying Yes by Default
"Switch your default from yes to no, and be very deliberate in the things you spend time doing and negotiate for." - Linda Street

Group Negotiations Are Actually a Good Thing...Here’s How to Win
"In a group negotiation, you have more leverage, but only when you present a united front." - Linda Street

Keys to Deliberately and Actively Investing in Your Marriage w/Kate Mangona
"The advantage of negotiating as an attending is you can really tweak your schedule to make sure it works for you." - Kate Mangona

The Overworking Trap: How to Separate Our Value From Our Productivity
"Female physicians will thrive more in a job that fits them, not a job that’s designed for a man." - Linda Street

Tapping Into the Breadwinner’s Mindset To Start Building Wealth w/Jennifer Barrett
"There’s a material difference between being able to cover the bills and handle a budget, and building wealth to support your life for the future we want." - Jennifer Barrett

The Human Cost of Non-Compete Clauses
"When you’re evaluating a new opportunity and negotiating your contract, focus on the non-compete and try to limit it as much as possible." - Linda Street

The Biggest Barriers and Biases Impacting Pay Equality w/Bonnie Koo
"The laws are oftentimes more about optics than a desire for change." - Linda Street

The Anatomy of a Contract: Key Areas You Can’t Afford to Ignore
"The more well-defined your contract is on the front end, the better off you are." - Linda Street

Burnout-Proof Yourself With Negotiation
"We have the opportunity in negotiation to create a job that serves us instead of fitting ourselves into a job that may not serve us." - Linda Street

Fair Market Valuations & How They Impact Your Earnings
"We have to make sure we understand fair market valuations enough so that we can advocate for ourselves effectively and be paid as optimally as we can." - Linda Street

How to Optimize Your BATNA & Negotiate with Strength
" It’s a lot easier to emphasize the value we’re bringing when we know we have other good choices." - Linda Street

Navigating the New Medicare Guidelines for Physician Salaries w/Ann Bittinger
"You always have leverage. Get good at identifying what that leverage is to know your true value to the employer." - Ann Bittinger

Imposter Syndrome: How it Impacts Your Negotiation & What to do About it
"If you feel like a fraud, it’s hard to toot your horn and express your value." - Linda Street

Make it Happen: How to Set Yourself Up for Success in Negotiation
"The negotiation is an extension of your interview, and a preview of what it’s going to be like to work with you." -Linda Street

Navigating the Market Piece in Compensation Negotiations
"Focus on the fact that you’re worth a high expectation goal. You bring value to whoever you work for and you deserve a compensation package that reflects it." -Linda Street

Mindset: How to Get a Contract That Serves You & Reflects Your Value
"The goal of this podcast is to take you from a place where you feel like you’re at the mercy of your contract and that you serve it, to it serving you." -Linda Street