The Operating Leverage Concept: Why It's VERY Relevant to Physicians & How to Get it to Work in Your Favor

podcast Nov 18, 2021

In the context of business, operating leverage dictates the health and value of a company. As physicians, we can use this concept to evaluate what we get out of our jobs, and make sure it’s giving us more than it takes from us.

If our jobs deplete us so much that we end up running on empty, it’s time to dig into the operating leverage of daily work, and consider some micro-negotiations that can make it better.

How do we calculate our own operating leverage? If our job is taking more than it’s giving us, what changes can we make? In this episode, I talk about how we can get the operating leverage equation to work in our favor.

Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode 

  • The ideal work environment for physicians
    What factors make a job somewhere we can actually thrive, not just break even in terms of our energy?

  • Signs that our jobs are draining our energy in an unhealthy way
    How can we accurately pinpoint those bane-of-existence tasks that deplete our energy?

  • How to change your mindset about a draining task
    If a task at work is depleting more energy than we’d like and we can’t opt out of it, how do we shift our mindset?

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